Thursday, October 1, 2015

All You Have

All you have comes by the grace of God. He gives us all things freely. That doesn't mean we should not work. It does mean all our work is dependent upon God's blessing for the increase. "What have you that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if it were not a gift?" (1 Corinthians 4:7).

Because all you have came from the gracious hand of God, you should be willing to give Him thanks for all things. Prayer includes asking, but it should likewise include giving thanks to God. Gratitude prays, saying, "Thank you God for all things, because all I have comes from you."

Pride will boast and say, "I worked hard for all I have. I was smart enough to plan and work. I deserve everything I have." Pride never thinks of God's goodness and benevolence. Pride is always self-centered, boasting only of himself. Pride believes he is self-sufficient, without any need for God.

Humility says, "God has given me good health to work. He has blessed my efforts. He has graciously given me all I have." Humility recognizes his dependence upon God. He takes responsibility to work, knowing that it's vain without God's blessing. Humility understands that all he has comes from God's grace.

All you have is a gift from God. Every breath you breathe is a gift. Health and strength to work is God's gift. All you have comes freely from God to receive. So, receive all things with thanksgiving, praising God for His goodness and grace.